Bureau of Land Management


Notice-Bat Hibernation Site (Hibernacula) Closure

AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management; Interior.

ACTION: Notice-bat hibernation sites (hibernacula) closure.

SUMMARY: Pursuant to 43 CFR 8364.1, eleven caves in the Upper Snake River
Districts are identified as bat hibernation sites (hibernacula) are
seasonally closed to entry. With the exception of approved research,
essential search and rescue, or other emergency or administrative operations
for cave resources protection, eleven caves containing hibernation sites are
closed during the hibernation season to all visitation, from October 15 to May 1.

   Affected caves are listed below:
Bobcat Cave
Kids Cave
Owl Cave
Chalk Cave
Giant Arch Cave
Gypsum Cave
Little Arch Cave
Pot O' Gold Cave
Twin Cave
Will's Cave
The One That Goes Cave

The purpose of the closure is to protect bat species and their habitat
during the critical hibernation period. Any person who fails to comply with
this closure and restriction order, under 43 CFR 8364.1, may be subject to the
penalties provided in regulations at 43 CFR 8360.0-7; a fine not to exceed
$1,000 and/or imprisonment not to exceed 12 months.

DATES: This action is effective December 18, 1997.

ADDRESSES: The Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988 prohibits
disclosure of cave locations. Information pertaining to the above closure is
available at the Shoshone Resource Area in Shoshone, Idaho, and the Idaho Falls
District Office in Idaho Falls, Idaho.


David Freiberg, dfreiberg at
BLM Shoshone Field Office
400 West F Street
Shoshone Idaho 83352
telephone (208) 732-7271

Joe Lowe, joe_lowe at
BLM Idaho Falls Field Office
1405 Hollipark Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401
telephone (208) 524-7558.

Certain caves in the Upper Snake River Districts serve as critical winter habitat
for bats because they provide a narrow yet optimum range of temperature and other
microclimatical variables required for successful hibernation. Research has
indicated that all bat species are extremely susceptible and sensitive to human
disturbance during hibernation, and that recreational caving trips during the
hibernation season are detrimental to the survival of bat species.

Dated: December 19, 1997.
Bill Baker, Shoshone Resource Area Manager.
[FR Doc. 97-34209 Filed 12-31-97; 8:45 am]


Bureau of Land Management


Closure Order: Shoshone District Bat Hibenacula
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management; Interior.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to 43 CFR 8364.1, all caves in the Shoshone District 
identified as bat hibernation sites (hibernacula) are seasonally closed 
to entry. With the exception of approved research, essential search and 
rescue, or other emergency or administrative operations for cave 
resources protection, in caves containing hibernation sites, and other 
caves that may be identified in the future as hibernacula, are closed 
seasonally during the hibernation season to all visitation, from 
October 15 to May 1.
    Know affected caves are listed below:
Bat Cave
Chalk Cave
Giant Arch Cave
Gypsum Cave
Little Arch Cave
Pot O' Gold Cave
Wedge Butte East and West Caves
Will's Cave
    The purpose of the closure is to protect bat species and their 
habitat during the critical hibernation period. Any person who fails to 
comply with this closure and restriction order, under 43 CFR 8364.1, 
may be subject to the penalties provided in regulations at 43 CFR 
8360.0-7; a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or imprisonment not to exceed 
12 months.
DATES: This action is effective August 14, 1995.
ADDRESSES: The Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988 prohibits 
disclosure of cave locations. Information pertaining to the above 
closure is available at the BLM Shoshone District in Shoshone, Idaho.
Cave Management Coordinator Paula Perletti, BLM Shoshone District, P.O. 
Box 2-B, Shoshone Idaho 83352, telephone (208) 886-7254.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Certain caves in the Shoshone District are 
particularly attractive to bats for hibernaculum because they provide a 
narrow yet optimum range of temperature and other microclimatical 
variables required for successful hibernation. Research has indicated 
that all bat species are extremely susceptible and sensitive to human 
disturbance during hibernation and that recreational caving trips 
during the hibernation season are detrimental to the survival of bat 
    The policy will be addressed in the Bennett Hills Resource 
Management Plan supplemental draft available 12/95.
    Dated: August 14, 1995
Robert D. Cordell,
Bennett Hills Resource Area Manager.
[FR Doc. 95-20829 Filed 8-22-95; 8:45 am]